1973 – 2023
Directors Timeline (Video)
Opening of the institute in the just completed new building in Martinsried

View into the data center. At that time, the Siemens computer system helped structural biologists to do their work.

Opening of the “Mildred Scheel Laboratory for Cancer Cell Research” on the premises of the institute (until 1989 financed by the German Cancer Aid, then continued as working group Cell Biochemistry).

The Theoretical Institute of the MPI of Psychiatry moves to the new campus in Martins- ried and shares the reception area and service facilities with our institute. In 1998, the Sub-Institute becomes the independent MPI of Neurobiology.

Johann Deisenhofer, Robert Huber and Hartmut Michel receive the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their research on the three-dimensional structure of the photosynthetic reaction center, conducted jointly in Martinsried from 1982 to 1985 (award ceremony in Stockholm on December 10).

Group picture of the directors (from left to right)
Kurt Hannig, Gerhard Ruhenstroth-Bauer, Adolf Butenandt, Peter Hans Hofschneider, Axel Ullrich, Günther Gerisch, Robert Huber, Wolfram Zillig, Wolfgang Baumeister

Young researchers were honored for the first time with the annual “MPIB Junior Research Award” for their outstanding research achievements. In 2016, the award was renamed as “MPIB Junior Scientists’ Publication Award”.

The first central method service, the Biochemistry Core Facility, that provides support to researchers in complex laboratory methods begins its work.

Founding of the International Max Planck Research School for Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences: From Biology to Medicine (IMPRS-LS) in cooperation with the MPIs for Neurobiology and for Psychiatry as well as the LMU and the TU Munich. In 2017, the IMPRS was renamed IMPRS for Molecular Life Sciences: From Biological Structures to Neural Circuits.

Official opening of the photovoltaic system on the roofs of the Martinsried MPIs.

Elena Conti becomes the first female director and head of the department Cellular Structural Biology.

Since 2002, our institute together with the MPI for Biological Intelligence (then still the MPI for Neurobiology) has offered laboratory courses for schoolchildren and the general public. In 2010, the MaxLab laboratory for pupils, students and visitors was officially founded.

F.-Ulrich Hartl (left) and Arthur L. Horwich receive the Albert Lasker Award for Basic Medical Research for their research on chaperones.

Faculty Retreat in the Ammergau Alps. Once a year, off the daily routine, the heads of the departments and research groups meet to discuss their projects and ideas.

Excellent Research – international / national
Excellent Research
international / national
The first Axel Ullrich Lecture takes place to honor the exceptional researcher. Speaker at the event is Oliver Horbert, one of his former students. He receives the Axel Ullrich Medal.

Decision to establish the Graduate School International Max Planck Research School for Molecules of Life (IMPRS-ML) as a successor to IMPRS-LS.